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well, i've came back after a couple months.
not much has changed round here, i'm moving the gigs to blog posts instead of separate webpages, not because i want to be because godaddy limits you to 50 webpages.
in real life thou lots has changed and i'll go into it on a blog post sometime soon, but for right now...
i'm still just tryin'.
well, hello there.
are we surprised i've done fuck all since april, no.
are we f*cking raging i've done fuck al since april, ...
updated the about me, added some gigs, just came back to this cause i gto some inspiration but then lost it again when i seen how much i had to do.
still tryin'.
it's been 3 months, apparently according to the calendar, no idea how or where that time went too but hey ho here we are.
in that time i've written no words, music or anything, apart from the rant blog i've started writing.
i did plat spiderman thou, papers please nfs:hs and portal, that was very fun, there will be a blog post about them soon...ish.
there is something so satisfying about watching achievements pop and numbers go up, speaking of which, i miss cod so much, i miss prestige-ing and working towards something all the time.
anyways the website is not more finish since the last update but hey ho,
i'm tryin'.
happy new year, i've done f*ck all apart from add gigs to the spreadsheet and play video games.
i need to get my arse in gear and i can't wait too.
the biggest update yet, i've began a spreadsheet of every gig i've been too and slowly filling that out, linking the webpage to it, colour coding it and such has been fun
i've also been slowly adding text, images and more about me, its going to take so long but we are picking away at it.
i'm really enjoying watching it grow but writing about myself and what i've been through is hard.
i really miss my old stories.
made some minor visual tweaks, addition of the greatest image ever made.
i've got so much to add and write, so much to do with my life.
i know what i have to write and want to right but i don't know if i have the heart, motivation or mental compacity to go through that again
i've changed my mind completely again on the theme.
less purple & white, more grey, editing this blog at 3am will be so much better.
i got the motivation and made some graphics of stuff and things i like.
also more pages are being made and filled out.
every page now has sub category's.
i keep opening this up to start writing about my music, but then i remember how good the old ones were and how i'll never have them that good again...
the motivation will come...
i thought i backed up all my writing from the old site but i haven't so all my stories, reviews and descriptions of songs and albums are lost to the void.
I'm genuinely heart broken because i spent countless hours pouring my heart out onto a page about things i never wanna think about again and now it's gone.
i wish this was like some magical, they are dead and gone moment for me to heal, but honestly it's more upsetting then anything.
also can not decide on a theme for this b*stard, i wanted to copy by tumblr where the name has came from but i do not want a white website.
many more changes to come. is lost to the void, f*ck paying 60 quid a month for something i can do for free.
i'm gutted i need to start again, but i'll do it right this time.
welcome, myfuckeduplifesofar is born, again. my little corner of the internet, feel free to have a look around.
i have alot to show and tell.
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